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A few days in #juba, the capital of the world’s youngest country (since 2011) #southsudan

Recently, two friends and I embarked on a challenging hike, unaware of the adventure that awaited. Seven hours later, we were welcomed by the thunderous drumming of molten lava in motion atop East Africa’s toughest one-day climb, revealing breathtaking views over Tanzania. Here’s a glimpse of the incredible sights from our unforgettable journey. 🌋
📍 Ol Doinyo Lengai - Tanzania
Add this experience to your bucket list & here are some recommendations ⬇
- Stay at @lake_natron_camp
- Climb Ol Doinyo Lengai (Advanced climb)
- Walk with the flamingoes
- Visit Lake Natron
- Swim under the Engaresero waterfall
- Swim in Lake Natron camps natural spring pool
- Game viewing
SAVE for your next visit 🫶

Seba Segel, the traveling astronomer king, the “wise man from the east" envisioned as the Ethiopian legend.
We as YATREDA saw him from an ancient Ethiopian kingdom. We thought, “Is he a royal or is he a pilgrim?" So we mixed these together. The white cloth of a traveler, the kaba of a king.