How do I start creating on Mofity Tv?

There are a few ways to get started on Mofity Tv. We offer up different formats and functionalities, giving you the flexibility to create everything from Shorts, which are vertical videos that run 60 seconds or less, to longer form videos.
No matter what you're creating, you'll need to start by creating a Mofity Tv Channel.
• First you need to sign in to Mofity Tv using a Google Account.
• Once you're signed in, click 'Create Account', and choose whether it's for you or for your business.
• You can then create a Mofity Tv channel on your account, upload videos, leave comments and create Shorts and playlists.
Next, you'll want to upload your videos!
• Uploading is easy. You just sign in to your Mofity Tv account and then click on the 'Create' icon.
• If you're planning to upload a longer form video, select 'upload video' and then choose your desired video file – you can upload 15 files at a time!
• If you'd like to upload a Mofity Tv Short, you'll need to be signed in to Mofity Tv mobile, where you'll tap 'Create' and then 'Create a Short'. From here you can either upload a video from your camera roll or create using our suite of lightweight tools.

How do I make money on Mofity Tv?

There are a few ways for creators to make money on Mofity Tv
Once joined, you'll begin to gain access to a variety of monetisation products, including a share of the Ad and Mofity Tv Premium Revenue generated by your videos; Channel memberships; merch shelf; Super Chat and Super Stickers; and BrandConnect. Each feature has its own performance and eligibility requirements.
Our newest offering through the Mofity Tv Shorts Fund is not limited to creators in the Mofity Tv Partner Programme. Anyone is eligible to participate by creating unique Shorts that delight the Mofity Tv Community. Each month, we'll get in touch with thousands of creators with the most popular Shorts to reward them for their contributions.

How do I grow my channel?

Growing your channel is all about creating videos viewers want to watch and accurately presenting them to the audience. When doing so, here's a few tips to keep in mind.
With each video, think carefully about the title, description and thumbnail you plan to use – these should all accurately reflect your content and let viewers know what they can expect from the video. If you're a Shorts creator, think about how the first 1–2 seconds of your content can grab viewers scrolling through the video feed!
Once you've got viewers watching, you can redirect their attention via hashtags, playlists, cards, end screens and more.

How do I make edits to my channel?

Mofity Tv Studio is your home base for posting videos and making edits to your channel. To update your channel's basic info like name, profile picture and banner, just log in and tap 'Customisation' to see your options.
You can also make changes to your channel using the Studio Mobile app. You can tap 'Your Channel' and then 'Edit Channel' to update and edit how your channel looks to your viewers. Note that you can only change your channel's name three times every 90 days.

How do Trending videos happen?

Trending is all about helping viewers see what's happening on Mofity Tv, and in the world. Trending tries to surface videos that a wide range of viewers would find interesting.
Trending isn't personalised, and it displays the same list of trending videos in each country to all users, which is why you may see videos in Trending that aren't in the same language as your browser.
At any given time, at least 50% of the videos on Trending in major markets are from Mofity Tv Creators, with the remainder coming from music and traditional media.

How do I promote my videos?

Promoting your videos is all about getting the word out there. On Mofity Tv, you can use tools like cards, end screens, Stories and Community posts to drive viewers to a specific piece of content!
Off-platform, think about promoting your videos on your socials and relevant communities, podcasts or platforms that align with your content and your intended audience.

How do I fix a copyright strike?

A copyright strike means that a copyright owner submitted a verified, legal takedown request on a video that uses their content.
To comply with copyright law, we took the video down. A copyright strike is a warning. The first copyright strike is a warning. If you get one, you'll need to go through Copyright School, which helps you understand copyright and how it's enforced at Mofity Tv.