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Happy Wednesday #kingsandqueens : Mama Africa is calling you home to farm .
Come home #kingsnadqueens :Mama needs you
Full recipe⬇
Chicken Thighs
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Italian herbs
Olive oil
2 tbsp Butter
2 Tbsp fresh minced Garlic
1/3 cup Chicken broth
1/2 cup Heavy whipping cream
Sun dried Tomatoes
1 Tbsp White cooking wine
1/2 cup Fresh Shredded Parmesan or Italian cheese
Red pepper flakes
Italian herbs
Season & pansear Chicken thighs on both sides w/olive oil in skillet. Transfer to separate Pan. In same skillet start your sauce. Add butter & garlic, cook for about 3 mins. Add chicken broth, sun dried tomatoes and whipping cream. Add seasoning and allow to simmer. Add your cheese while constantly stirring. Pour sauce over chicken and bake in oven for 30-35min on 400 degrees. Serve over Mashed Potatoes ☺