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What are your thoughts on the UNRELEASED Jordan 4 ‘Bred Reimagined’ coming out next month? Check out our pinned post to see how you can win this pair for FREE 😳
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Growing up I never used to like my name as it would often get misspelled or mispronounced or even rhymed with the most ridiculous words. And I can’t count how many times I’ve been made fun of being called things such as E-MAN as if it was some fictional superhero 🦸♂️ character name.
But as I grew older and the closer I got to my religion I’ve been holding my name so dear to me. I believe in naming your kids good names because it will be a big part of their character building, because my name truly is a huge part of who I am as a person today ❤ the Faith Allah has bestowed upon me is something I will forever be grateful to. Alhamdulillah