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Recipe below ⬇⬇⬇
450g bread flour ( 14% protein)
50g semolina flour
325g water
9g salt
2g dry instant yeast
18g sugar
For spread:
Olive Oil for working surface
80g of melted butter for spread
Extra semolina for sprinkling
-Mix all ingredients together, dough will look lumpy.
-Let rest 30 min.
-Give the dough nice fold. It should become smooth.
-Divide into 5 pieces, round them.
-Cover, let rest for 30-45 min
-Spread the oil on working surface and your hands.
-Take a ball of the dough, start stretching until very thin an transparent.
-Spread melted butter all over the surface
and sprinkle semolina flour.
-Fold, and roll in a tight roll. Press the roll with palm of your hand.
-Repeat with the rest dough balls ( cover them and let rest for 30-45min).
-Sprinkle work surface with some flour.
-Roll each roll into a circle about 20cm/7.8 inches wide and about 2 mm thick.
-Preheat the pan.
-Fry the bread for about 2 min on each side on low medium heat.
-Let the bread cool off, it will become soft.
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