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Here’s a little push if you are thinking about visiting Pangani (Ushongo) - Tanzania. 🌴
Some recommendations ⬇
- Stay at @emayani_beach_lodge or @dhowhouse
- Visit the nearby sand islands (Maziwe & Fungo)
- Rent bicycles from the local village
- Take a cruise up the Pangani river
- Take a local dhow for a sunset cruise
- Eat the local seafood until your heart is content
- Take a fiberglass boat out for a day of fishing
SAVE for your next visit 🫶
#africa #tanzania #travel #photography #pangani

📍Ol Doinyo Lengai - Tanzania
A challenging climb but the most rewarding views. We started our ascent at 11pm and summited at 5:30am. Ol Doinyo Lengai is an active volcano with the coldest lava in the world. The mountain “Ol Doinyo Lengai” translates to “The Mountain of God” in the Masai language. A truly spectacular adventure to endure and it should be added to your bucket list. 🌋
#tanzania #travel #africa #oldoinyolengai #photography