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A few clips from spending some time with the incredible elephants @thehildanalodge this past weekend.
East Africa is currently struggling from a drought and to see the happiness of these incredible animals when they arrive at the watering hole is just truly spectacular. The lodge makes an incredible effort to have water available to support the 1000s of elephants that pass through the area during these tough times whilst they wait for the rains to arrive.
I highly recommend adding “The Hildana Lodge” to your list of places to visit in Kenya. 🐘🇰🇪
#kenya #africa #conservation #wildlife #elephant #reels #discoveringkenya
Mwanzo Viazi karai vya @ungawadola wueh 💯
@theafricanfoodtrail took us on the best street food tour and showed us all their hidden gems, so much learning and eating at the same time, so much history behind the beautiful architecture and so rich in culture… we all need to add @theafricanfoodtrail on our bucket list for real ✍
Have you ever used Dola Cooking Oil? If you haven’t you should try it, best cooking oil in the market. I highly recommend, makes food taste 10times better.