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Sights and Sounds Series; Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Sights and Sounds Series; Zanzibar, Tanzania. forafricans 18 Views • 2 years ago

⁣It's here! In the second installment of our Sights and Sounds Series, we explore the historic city of Stone Town in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Watch the full video on Youtube using the link in bio.

⁣Sights and Sounds is a FABA series that employ imagery and sound to capture the elements of African cities.

Sights and Sounds
Sights and Sounds forafricans 27 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sights and Sounds is a new video series that employ imagery and sound to capture the elements of African cities.
For our first episode, we visit Cote d&
#039;Ivoire to show you what everyday life in Abidjan looks like. Places we visited include Cocody, Cocody Blockhauss, Plateau, Yopugon...Watch the full video on Youtube.
Filmed by @chika.okoli
Drone Footage by @mcheaiteli
Sound by @toorasan

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