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Recently, two friends and I embarked on a challenging hike, unaware of the adventure that awaited. Seven hours later, we were welcomed by the thunderous drumming of molten lava in motion atop East Africa’s toughest one-day climb, revealing breathtaking views over Tanzania. Here’s a glimpse of the incredible sights from our unforgettable journey. 🌋
📍 Ol Doinyo Lengai - Tanzania
Add this experience to your bucket list & here are some recommendations ⬇
- Stay at @lake_natron_camp
- Climb Ol Doinyo Lengai (Advanced climb)
- Walk with the flamingoes
- Visit Lake Natron
- Swim under the Engaresero waterfall
- Swim in Lake Natron camps natural spring pool
- Game viewing
SAVE for your next visit 🫶
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