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Meet Craig, one of the world’s largest and last remaining super Tuskers. Each of his tusks weighs over 50kg, making him the gentle giant of Kenya’s Amboseli National Park. Witnessing this majestic sight in person today was an unparalleled experience. 🐘
#kenya #africa #elephant #travel #photography #wild
Here’s a little push if you are thinking about visiting Pangani (Ushongo) - Tanzania. 🌴
Some recommendations ⬇
- Stay at @emayani_beach_lodge or @dhowhouse
- Visit the nearby sand islands (Maziwe & Fungo)
- Rent bicycles from the local village
- Take a cruise up the Pangani river
- Take a local dhow for a sunset cruise
- Eat the local seafood until your heart is content
- Take a fiberglass boat out for a day of fishing
SAVE for your next visit 🫶
#africa #tanzania #travel #photography #pangani
Seba Segel, the traveling astronomer king, the “wise man from the east" envisioned as the Ethiopian legend.
We as YATREDA saw him from an ancient Ethiopian kingdom. We thought, “Is he a royal or is he a pilgrim?" So we mixed these together. The white cloth of a traveler, the kaba of a king.