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The future of Africa depends on how we raise our children .
Happy Africa day #kingsandqueens :
Why do you love #africa ?
New beginnings ...
This precious baby was just born .
In the village , RAW Sheabutter is not only used on baby’s skin - it is also used to by the midwife during labor to heal & sooth mummy .
⛔ No pharmaceutical.
🌞 Only Sheabutter and mummy’s will power 💥
This is a tradition passed on from generation to generation, to heal protect and nourish .
A baby’s skin is thinner than an adult’s and also loses moisture more quickly.
When your baby’s skin becomes dry, it can cause discomfort, itching, rashes, and irritation.
To prevent your baby from experiencing these symptoms, you may want to consider using Freshly handmade Sheabutter directly from nature .
The best gift a mother can give her newborn is a strong connection with nature through healthy beautiful skin that last a lifetime .