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The Jordan 4 ‘Industrial Blue’ aka ‘Military Blue’ is set to release in April of 2024, with the beloved ‘Nike Air’ accent on the heel tabs. What are your thoughts on this pair?📲
#sneakers #jordans #jordan4 #militaryblue
One thing I love dearly about African culture is the meaning behind our names, mostly all have meanings that are profound, spiritual or poetic 🥹
When you first come into this world, you are given a name that you carry around with you for the rest of your days (unless you change it). Our names are one of the first things we find our IDENTITY in, and I truly believe it plays a big part in our paths in life 🙏🏽🥺
When I first meet someone and they tell me their name, I tend to ask what does their name mean. (It tells me more about the person 😌)
My name Adebisi means The Crown Has Given Birth To More and I think is suits me so well ✨👑 (Nigerian, Yoruba 🇳🇬)
What does your name mean? Does the same apply in other cultures also? TELL MEEE 🙇🏾♀️✨
Sunset soccer in Essaourira, Morocco... ✨I was never very interested in sports, but being in Morocco during the most recent World Cup was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. It was amazing to see how soccer (or football) brought the entire country together and it definitely made me appreciate the game in a different way. 🧡