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Travel tip Indonesia:
With its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and friendly locals, Java offers something for everyone.
Take a hike to the top of Mount Bromo for a breathtaking sunrise view, explore the ancient temples of Prambanan and Borobudur, or simply soak up the vibrant atmosphere of Surabaya, the city of heroes.
Whether you’re an adventure seeker or a culture lover, East Java will leave you with unforgettable memories. So don’t wait any longer, pack your bags and head to #java 🌴

@realblackcoffee @brooklynmirage
Client: @highscream @realblackcoffee
Director: @trevor_stuurman
Production: @soulisticagency
Videography: @pedrothe3rd
Styling: @siyababaatelier
Set Design: @francois._ferreira
Hair and Make Up: @nthabisengsenong
Nail tech: @gosboi_nails
Muse: @nenoo_faith