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📍Ol Doinyo Lengai - Tanzania
A challenging climb but the most rewarding views. We started our ascent at 11pm and summited at 5:30am. Ol Doinyo Lengai is an active volcano with the coldest lava in the world. The mountain “Ol Doinyo Lengai” translates to “The Mountain of God” in the Masai language. A truly spectacular adventure to endure and it should be added to your bucket list. 🌋
#tanzania #travel #africa #oldoinyolengai #photography
Seba Segel, the traveling astronomer king, the “wise man from the east" envisioned as the Ethiopian legend. He has his leather lunch box for a long journey. His rolled animal skin for sleeping in the night air, under the stars. Perhaps he is in disguise for the long dangerous travel to deliver his precious gifts.
We as YATREDA saw him from an ancient Ethiopian kingdom. We thought, “Is he a royal or is he a pilgrim?" So we mixed these together. The white cloth of a traveler, the kaba of a king.