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🇺🇸 1983 Land Rover Series 3 Stage One V8 - Finished in a beautiful Fjord Blue w/ beige leather interior and a light sand soft top. Power steering, all-around disc brakes, fuel injection, and a bespoke stainless steel exhaust. Born from a blend of timeless design and contemporary upgrades, it’s not just a vehicle—it’s a statement.

This is Hegra, Saudi Arabia’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site. 🇸🇦✨ The ancient archaeological site contains more than 110 tombs across desert sands that were built by the Nabatean, an Arab tribe that emerged as a distinct civilization and political entity between the 4th and 2nd centuries BCE. ...There's nothing like seeing it in person for the first time. I still often feel it was only a dream. ✨
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