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شارٹس بنانا

🇺🇸 1983 Land Rover Series 3 Stage One V8 - Finished in a beautiful Fjord Blue w/ beige leather interior and a light sand soft top. Power steering, all-around disc brakes, fuel injection, and a bespoke stainless steel exhaust. Born from a blend of timeless design and contemporary upgrades, it’s not just a vehicle—it’s a statement.

“Every year during the month of January, the Makonde community in Maputo celebrates an initiation ritual from a ceremony that lasts a weekend.
For a few weeks young people have been trained for their transition from the world of childhood to the adult. They are prepared for adult life and marriage in every way.
In this ceremony the young people who are initiated for their transit from girls to women and from boys to men, are tested from an oil made with plants, where the spirit of the plant will reveal from a straight line or deviated the virginity or non-virginity of each young person. Once these young people are tested, they will make a demonstration of traditional dance where the Mapiko (spirit of the tribe) will manifest itself through the body of a chosen one. After the dance demonstrations, the celebrations continue at home with the families.
This ceremony is just a sample of how rich Mozambican culture is in its traditions and culture and how important rituals and connection with ancestors are for the people.”

Sunset soccer in Essaourira, Morocco... ✨I was never very interested in sports, but being in Morocco during the most recent World Cup was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. It was amazing to see how soccer (or football) brought the entire country together and it definitely made me appreciate the game in a different way. 🧡