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短裤 创造

🇺🇸 1983 Land Rover Series 3 Stage One V8 - Finished in a beautiful Fjord Blue w/ beige leather interior and a light sand soft top. Power steering, all-around disc brakes, fuel injection, and a bespoke stainless steel exhaust. Born from a blend of timeless design and contemporary upgrades, it’s not just a vehicle—it’s a statement.

After 7 days of ascent, I stand here yet again feeling the energy of what it means to be alive.
In the end, summitting Kilimanjaro twice has been a reminder that anything is possible when we believe in ourselves and never give up on our dreams. It has shown me that with determination, perseverance, and the support of others, we can overcome even the most daunting challenges and reach new heights. And for that, I will always be grateful.

Here’s a little push if you are thinking about visiting Pangani (Ushongo) - Tanzania. 🌴
Some recommendations ⬇
- Stay at @emayani_beach_lodge or @dhowhouse
- Visit the nearby sand islands (Maziwe & Fungo)
- Rent bicycles from the local village
- Take a cruise up the Pangani river
- Take a local dhow for a sunset cruise
- Eat the local seafood until your heart is content
- Take a fiberglass boat out for a day of fishing
SAVE for your next visit 🫶
#africa #tanzania #travel #photography #pangani